How do Democrats get behind Joe Biden, a guy who at this point can barely remember his own name?

Biden is little more than a prop, for the Bolshevik hand-wringers who would really run the country, in the hypothetical scenario where Biden could actually get elected.

But keep in mind: the media is 93% anti-Trump in its news coverage. And according to Media Research Center, reached 100% negative coverage during the impeachment hearings.
Newt Gingrich said he was amazed, that a president could have 93% negative coverage and still survive! In point of fact, Trump on any given day of his presidency has been at or several points above where Obama was at the same point in his presidency.
And very important: that was with the media gushingly supporting Obama, the wind at his back.
Vs. the media attacking and tearing down Trump, every single day. AND TRUMP STILL HAS HIGHER APPROVAL NUMBERS THAN OBAMA. That tells you a lot about the diminishing influence of the liberal media.

During the 2016 campaign, all but 2 major newspapers endorsed Hillary Clinton.
Guess who won. Plus every accurate predictor of the 2016 election has already predicted a re-election of Trump in 2020. So that Democrat SuperPac known as the mainstream media doesn't have the same power that it once did.

Thank God.