I'm listening to New York governor Andrew Cuomo's press conference right now. While giving a lot of good information, he is also saying some things I know to be untrue. He's saying he wants young people in New York city to stop socializing outside and playing basketball in close contact (i.e ., not practicing "social distancing") and so forth. But he's also saying that if you're a young person, you're not in danger of dying. That's not true. While not in the same numbers as those over 60, people in their 20's 30's and 40's are dying.
The numbers in Italy.
The numbers in South Korea.

Cuomo is also saying that only if you have a weakend immune-compromised system are you in danger, at any age, of dying. That is also not true. A small ratio of otherwise healthy people have become severely ill and required hospitalization, without which they would have died (see 48 year old Amy Driscoll I linked above, for example.)
But I give Cuomo some slack, I think he's working very hard to prepare his city for a war-like situation that probably none of us could fully imagine. He's a political leader and not a doctor. And within the limits of even a one-hour press conference, there's a limit to how much he can clarify. I give him credit, and don't fault him for those errors, he's doing his best. Ultimately, people in New York or wherever need to pay greater attention to medical experts for advice, and not political leaders whose job is to rally the public and avoid panic in a crisis.

I can only imagine the "shitbag" freakout MEM would have if Trump said the exact same things.