'You're A Terrible Reporter': Pressed On Coronavirus, Trump Berates NBC's Peter Alexander

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

This is a good example of Trump failing as a leader. Yes, people like yourself who see the other side praying for coronavirus and recession might really enjoy crap like this but he’s supposed to be a leader of more than just a base of people like yourself. Pence who I don’t care for either actually gave a good answer to the reporter’s question instead of Trump’s petty and ugly attack. That question was a perfect opportunity for Trump to say something reassuring to the country.

It's just a fact that your side maliciously smears Trump at every turn, and the Covid-19 outbreak is no different. And it's a fact that Bill Maher and Paul Krugman celebrated the stock market tanking due to Coronavirus, and the liberal media piled on. This NBC News reporter (despite your delusional perception of that clip that denies the vissible truth) is yet another example of that, where no matter what Trump does to rally the nation, and lead, it will be spun by the left as a negative action by Trump.
Trump taalked about a fast-tracked vaccine, multiple already FDA approved medications that early on show, in one case, a 100% success rate in stoppong Covid-19 cold and saving lives. The blood serum cure from Australia that is also very promising. And Trump leading like neither Obama, Hillary, Bernie or Biden EVER would be capable of, rallying the private sector to manufacture masks and respirators and ventilators, and not only manufacture but also conduct Coronaaviruss testing at locations nationwide. The Bolsheviks in your party, who despise the private sector, would NEVER organize that kind of aa joint all-hands-on-deck with the private sector.

Whiat did Obama do in a similar crisis in 2009-2010? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. He sat on his hands and let the disease flow into the U.S. to infect 60 million Americans, to hospitalize 360,000, and kill 12,000. Liberal media response: "12,000 people dead, but don't worry, everything's under control, nothing to see here..." Quite a diffeerence from the coverage of Trump now. And Trump went out and golfed right after he announced a nationaal emegency for H1N1/Swine Flu. And the media said "Ohh look, he's exerting so much confidence just going out and golfing, not showing any panic, he's so presidential!"
Meanwhile in 2020, President Trump is ACTUALLY LEADING AND PERSONALLY ORGANIZING a massive federal and private sector response. Trump is out there on the front lines at press conferences an hour or two a day answering the nation's questions and concerns. >>IN ADDITION<< to the endless hours he spends daily personally organizing the medical response, at locations nationwide. And this piece of shit NBC reporter can only allege that Trump is deceiving the public and giving them false hope.

Seriously, how stupid are you, to not see that your Bolshevik "Democrat-Socialist" party is absolute shit garbage who haave no actual concern for the American people who they would gladly toss by the tens of millions to Coronavirus, as well as illegal immigrants, drug cartels and gangs, and just let the infected pour into the country. As Obama did. As they called Trump a "racist" for actually preventing.

Your Bolshevik party are not only incompetent, they are malicious, and truly hate this country. And if given power, they would doom us all. This coronavirus crisis is a prime example. Everything Trump did to save us, your viciouss party tried to stop. And the best you can do is slander him for doing the right thing.