Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
No I’m specifically pointing out that Trump failed to do some basic things...
Under the NSC timeline, the Trump administration in late January should have begun issuing directives aimed at "coordination of workforce protection activities including ... [personal protective equipment] determination, procurement and deployment," according to the report. Such actions have only been recently implemented.

When he should have been doing that he downplayed the threat spewing out misinformation. I do recognize he got a slight bump in polling when he decided to stop downplaying coronavirus. I think everyone was glad to see that. However it’s still Trump muddling or downright misinforming his own administration’s information. I suspect that and hours of Trump praising himself while attacking governors begging for ventilators as hospitals get overwhelmed will not prove popular . He’s an evil shit bag.

With all due respect, every last action Trump has taken to contain this virus has been obstructed by your party. Your party called Trump's decision "racist" and "over-reaction" when he suspended travel from China.
Your party likewise resisted attempts to secure the southern border, for 3 years, and at present.

With the recent legislation to fight the virus and keep people at home with emergency payments of money to families so they are incentivized to be at home and not spread the virus, your party has attempted to ram through all kind of non-crisis-related liberal wet-dream spending and ideologically driven nonsense like funding for sanctuary cities, same-day voter registration and voting (enablingemocrat voter-fraud), public funding of abortion, Green New Deeal, on and on, in a cynical attempt to advance radicalism despite a dire pandemic crisis. And those cynical additions delayed legislation of money for fighting the virus, and money for poor families in dire need, another week.

So the credibility of your Bolshevik party alleging Trump is too slow, or that Trump hasn't taken this seriously enough, is absolutely worthless. If you want to see what Democrats would do if in power during this crisis, just look at what is occurring in Italy, Spain, Germany and France. Democrats in power would sit on their hands and make no attempt to restrict foreign travel from a disease-ridden China or Europe, and would have left us even less time to prepare.

Keep in mind that this Covid-19 strain was falsely assured by the Chinese to not be transferrable human-to-human as recently as Jan 14th. And the WHO issued false assurances to the world and didn't independently confirm this with their own doctors (China owns and heavily funds the WHO and most U.N. branch committees, buying their silence).
The first case in the U.S. brought by a traveler from China was Jan 21. That's barely 2 months ago! Trump issued a halt of all travel from China on Jan 31, that Democrats are still propagandizing as racist (Chinese talking points that help deflect from China's responsibility for the avoidable outbreak, nice job liberal media comrades!) and not acknowledging as Dr Anthony Fauci said, that the travel ban was the single most important strategic move that protected the nation, prevented tens of thousands of infections, and gave the nation vital time to prepare.

Your attempt to find absurd new ways to pigeonhole blame onto Trump is truly loathesome. The news today reported that in Spain over 850 people died in a single day, in Italy over 900. In several European nations, people are dying so fast they can't even bury all the bodies.

This is a terrifying global situation, and your partisanship to the death, trying to personally blame Trump for things that are clearly not his fault, is just beyond the pale.
You can't even give a specific of anything Trump has done wrong, just some vague one-sentence quotation of a policy document, that has no lucid specifics one can connect to anything.