Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Clinton was not praying for recession or coronavirus. She made a snarky remark about Trump. Don’t know where Krugman comes in either. Maher is the only one I see as saying he was hoping for a recession. I don’t think he wished for the pandemic though. You justifying such a gross and evil generalization about the other side really shows your blind hatred and partisanship. You can’t even hold Trump accountable for what he does and says but democrats are all held responsible for what Bill Maher says?

With all due respect, you're a fucking liar. Hillary's remarks are plain as day. And there has been plenty of backlash already by many others who read and know exactly what she was saying.

The party that hates America on full display, who callously regards all U.S. citizens as disposable pawns, to advance their lying Cultural Marxist narrative and seize power, stepping over the bodies of the people they pretend to be fighting for and care about.

Democrats have oficcialy become the Bolshevik party.