More of a mainstream horror writer, but with many adaptations of his work in comics, is Clive Barker.

With few exceptions, I'm not a fan of Barker's work, that goes out of its way to be unpleasant, dark, violent and perverse.

A few that I liked more for the artists than the stories are in the 5-issue TAPPING THE VEIN anthology series in 1989-1990, are by Scott Hampton, Craig Russell, John Bolton and Bo Hampton.

Marvel/Epic had a longer-running HELLRAISER series, 20 issues, that was beautifully designed, but the content again is not my cup of tea.
The one that stood out for me in this series as excellent storytelling is "The Threshold" by Scott Hampton in issue 4.

Both these titles have a very sophisticated design, more akin to book publishing than how comics, at least till that time, were designed.