Yes, overall, we may have already passed the peak, although that won't be confirmed for a week.

And assholes who disregard the stay-at-home order could cause another spike. I plan to stay at home at least a week or two past the end of the requirement, to insure that I and the people I love are not part of a second surge.

But until there is a vaccine, or some other treatment that prevents hospitalization and the high number of deaths, this thing will still remain a threat that is with us a long time. A vaccine is still estimated to be about 15 months away (in a miraculous fast-track, maybe 9 to 12 months away).
I'm hoping hydroxychloroquine and blood-serum from recovered patients can offer more recoveries and greater "herd immunity" before a vaccine is available.
The emerging 5-minute test for exposure can show that many unknowingly had mild or symptomless cases and can return to work, and provide serum to immunize many others.

All these are hopeful signs.