Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy


by Tom Grundy
14 March 2020

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

The study published this week by population mapping group WorldPop measured the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions. The researchers examined how China isolated ill persons, quarantined exposed individuals, conducted contract tracing, restricted travel, closed schools and workplaces, and cancelled mass gatherings.

The analysis – which has yet to be peer-reviewed – found that early case detection and contact reduction were effective in controlling the virus and combined measures can reduce transmission. They can also delay the timing and reduce the size of the epidemic’s peak, and thus buy time for healthcare preparations and drugs research.

The simulations drew on human movement and illness data to model how combined interventions might affect the spread of Covid-19.

Coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 66 per cent if the measures were taken a week earlier, the study suggested, or by 86 per cent if action began two weeks earlier. If action was taken three weeks later, then the situation could have worsened 18-fold.


Most efforts to tackle the outbreak took place in late January, weeks after Wuhan ophthalmologist Dr Li Wenliang tried to warn about the mystery disease on December 30. He was among eight people who were punished by police on January 1 for spreading “rumours” about the virus.

The Public Security Bureau made Li sign a letter stating that he had made “false comments” and had “severely disturbed the social order.” He died last month of the disease, aged 34, prompting widespread outrage in China.

According to the New York Times, China also ignored offers of help in January from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.


With the virus now classed as a global pandemic, the University of Southampton researchers concluded that social distancing measures should continue for the next few months and China’s approach should be adopted elsewhere as early as possible.

“China’s vigorous, multifaceted response is likely to have prevented a far worse situation, which would have accelerated spread globally,” the study said.

End of discussion. Trump is not to blame, China is 100% responsible for the outbreak.

Whatever words of public assurance to discourage panic, Trump has been working behind the scenes to take maximum precautions, suspending travel from China, suspending travel from Europe, rallying private companies to assist in reseach, testing, logistics, and medical treatment, federally building field hospitals to care for the overload of patients in high-outbreak regions.

There are absolutely no statements you can point to by Trump that were not said by **ALL** of his critics, in the liberal media, in the Democrat party: Deblasio, Andrew Cuomo, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and many others who said it was "racist" to be afraid of infection by Covid-19, and openly encouraged people to go out and be infected! Precisely verbatim the Chinese talking points narrative, helping to deflect blame from China, where the blame truly rests.

Likewise, I've cited, as have Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, video clips of quotes and articles by these Democrats, and by media outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC, that Covid-19 was "nothing to worry about" and "no worse than the seasonal flu".
And, of course, that Trump was "over-reacting" and "racist" to have taken the precautions he did to protect the country.

How many times have I said this, where you just keep coming back, M E M, with the same lying disproven talking points and propaganda?

Part of the problem (because of disinformation by China and the WHO) is that we didn't know what Covid-19 was in the beginning, even into early/mid February how highly infectious, and how deadly.
What you rail on Trump's public statements for is 1) it was the best information available at the time, 2) it was at worst exactly the same assurances and understatements Dems and the liberal media were making to the public. And ultimately 3) STILL doing FAR MORE AS PRESIDENT TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC THAN THE DEMOCRATS WOULD HAVE DONE!
While Dems called Trump "racist" and "over-reacting" to take any steps whatsoever to protect the public.

I've been over this a dozen times:

1) Trump implemented travel bans to stop the spread
2) Trump did more than any other president would have done to secure the southern border from being another point of Covid-19 spread.
3) Due to a year of trade war with China, Trump had already vastly diminished our foreign dependency on China, and pushed a lot of manufacturing either to other countries or back to the U.S., right before this all began.

It terrifies me what the corrupt Bolsheviks in your party would have let happen if they held the presidency instead.
Do you REALLY think they would have done anything to prevent an even worse spread? The evidence is right there in front of you. Fuck no! They would have let this virus run wild. No travel restrictions, no border security, no resistance to unfair trade and outright industrial/cyber cheating and theft by China, no move toward sovereign U.S. domestic maufacturing and independence, no oil independence, a stated Democrat goal to abolish fracking and domestic oil production and with it millions of jobs, and no resistance to economic enslavement by China.

Regarding Trump's praise of China in a press conference, it's called diplomacy. He is giving friendly assurances to China, while working behind the scenes to further sever ties and end our dependency on China.
But right now, we are dependent on China for 80% of our medical supplies and over 90% of our antibiotics.

Even so, in the same press conference, he expressed that China's statistics for its Coronavirus infections and deaths was "very light" and not believable for a nation of 1.4 billion people. He recurrently says that their numbers are not believable, and that they need to be forthcoming with the true numbers and China's Covid-19 research with the other nations of the world. The reality is, for at least the next 3 to 6 months, we need China's cooperation, and there is a limit to how bellicose Trump can be in criticizing their secretiveness that allowed this outbreak while we still need China's supplies in the short term.

Beyond that point, I hope that we and the rest of the world after that cease all trade with China, and demand concessions of their overseas foreign assets in compensation for what they unleashed on the world with their negligence and lack of warning about Covid-19.

But again, all the way across the board, you give a free pass to both the Chinese, and to the liberal Democrats and liberal media who did virtually everything you hold Trump in contempt for.