Tucker Carlson, April 7 2020

Tucker Carlson, April 7 2020

Deconstructing, showing the predicted I H M E (INstitute of Health Metrics Evaluation) numbers for infected cases, hospital beds needed, ICU and ventilators needed, and the actual numbers, that far over-estimated in virtually every state what was actually needed.

And Gov. Andrew Cuomo's politicization of it saying Trump didn't give N Y the number of ventilator machines predicted would be needed, and (addressing Trump: ) "You pick the 26,000 people who have to die, because you only sent me 400 ventilators."
(See Hannity's editorial above, about the linked and sourced health department warnings of specifically a lack of ventilators in stock in 2015, that Gov. Cuomo ignored, didn't fund, and doesn't have now, by his own inaction, not Trump's.)

PREDICTED numbers of beds needed in N Y for Covid-19 patients: 65,000 to 48,000 by April 4th.
ACTUAL NUMBER of beds filled in N Y by April 4th: 16,000.

Re-adjusted I H M E number of beds needed by April 7th in N Y: 25,000 beds.
ACUAL number filled on April 7th: 17,000.
N Y hospitals strained but never overwhelmed, Trump was falsely accused.

PREDICTED I H M E number of needed ICU beds in N Y by April 7th (what appears to be the peak): 6,600.
ACTUAL ICU beds used as of April 7th: 4,600.

In Florida, predicted hospitalized by April 7th: 4,000 patients.
ACTUAL number on April 7th: less than 2,000 patients.

The same I H M E over-estimates across all 50 states.
Possibly lower because of effective "social distancing".

Carlson also cites outbreaks statistically proportionate to the U.S. in the nations of Denmark and Austria. Which are already planning gradual re-opening of their businesses and schools, in phases over the next few weeks.
But to even discuss that in the U.S. is considered blasphemy, and brings those who even suggest it labels of "greed", and "caring only about money and not people."

I would also point out that Carlson is the one I consider the alarmist among Fox hosts, the one who gives the most shocking predictions, the one who presents the worst-case scenarios. But even he is now looking toward the end of this crisis and when and how to re-open the economy.

State Representative Karen Whitsett (D-MI), who had a life-threatening Covid-19 case, is also interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and said Trump raising awareness of Hydroxychloroquine as a life-saving therapy is what saved her life. And even once she demanded it, she had a very difficult time, even as a government official, getting it prescribed in her state due to Democrat obstruction of it being prescribed.