Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
They needed refrigerated trucks in NY for all the bodies. I think it’s fair to say the hospitals were overwhelmed. Carlson I recognize btw was an exception to FOX’s spinmeisters with coronavirus. The rest played it down like Trump did. I think planning how to come out of this shouldn’t be a left/right thing. Let’s just follow the science and data to make the best plan. Opening things up to soon might just extend the pandemic and increase the fatalities and economic damage.

Or alternately, the rest at Fox reported the facts, while other networks made up of a higher ratio of Democrat partisans than the most liberal regions of the country.
Who in an earlier above cited 2017 Harvard analysis were 93% negative in coverage of Trump.
In another article I cited above liberal media were 100% negative in Jan 2020 coverage of Trump during the impeachment.
These same liberal propagandists distorted the news beyond the facts on the FBI/Russia investigation, on the Mueller special investigation, assisted Dems in the effort to destroy the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, attempted to tank the economy for 3 years with wild factless speculation, distorted the whistleblower/Ukraine story, and then helped Dems weaponize the impeachment proceedings. And here they are again weaponizing and distorting Covid-19 coverage, fearmongering to again try to damage Trump politically. Despite that in the hard numbers I just cited above, the level of actual cases is quantifiaable **far** lover than the preceding "scientific" estimates of the I M H E.
No acknowwledgement whatsoever by Democrats or the liberal media that the numbers that were first estimated to possibly exceed a million deaths, that a week ago as stated by Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx at a daily briefing were still preparing the nation for 100,000 to 250,000 deaths, now a week later are projected to be well below 100,000.
Who is giving "accurate coverage", M E M?
The "Trump propagandist" at Fox, or the proven liarss at CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and New York Times, who have all now made it clear it's their holy mission to destroy Trump.

The Brett Kavanaugh allegations.
Nicholas Sandmann and the Covington Catholic High school incident at the March For Life rally.
The resurrection by the Washington Post of allegations against Kavanaugh a year after his confirmation.
Just three examples of the media being dead wrong and caught in the act distorting the news. And in Sandmann's case with a good lawyer, media outlets like CNN sued succesfully for tens of millions in damages for theeir purposeful lying narrative about Sandmann and his friends.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg regarding liberal media bias.

A prime example is Hydroxychloroquine coverage, that CNN and other liberal media portray as "risky" and "dangerous" and "unproven". Despite that a survey of 3,300 doctors treating patients with Covid-19 in 40 countries select it as their first choice to prescribe for Covid-19 patients.
Clearly, the disgusting partisans of the liberal media propagandize against it, just because Trump sees it as aa hopeful possible therapy treatment. Trump supports ti, and for that reason alone, they vitriolically push back against it. No other reason. Disgusting.