Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump on China’s handling of coronavirus:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus,” Trump wrote in a post on Twitter. “The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

WB can you provide me a quote from Biden about China’s handling of coronavirus that outdoes Trump’s gushing here? Pretty sad that Trump can butt lick China like that. Than again they both hate free independent news media so perhaps a common bond helps.

Biden brought along his son, Hunter Biden, and despite being a drug addict who was kicked out of the military for smoking crack, and despite that he had absolutely no experience in banking, the Chinese state bank extended him and his colleagues a $1.5 BILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT DEAL. For which when the interest matriculates at somewhere between 2-6% commission, will give Hunter a payoff in the tens of millions of dollars.
In addition to his other corrupt deals in Ukraine, which he ALSO got only because he was a passenger on Vice President Biden's plane into that country. Investigation and prosecution pending.
Further, according to Chinese expert Michael Pillsbury, at the time Hunter Biden was given that 1.5 billion bank investment deal, Joseph Biden had fronted as a hawk against China. But immediately after that deal with son Hunter transacted, V.P. Biden used his influence to get U.S. Navy ships to stop patrolling certain parts of the South China Sea that Chinaa didn't want us patrolling.
That's quid pro quo up the yingyang.

If you want to see much more of Biden's corruption and corporate backroom payoffs, just read the first 30 pages of Michelle Malkin's 2010 book, Culture of Corruption.

There are further Biden payoffs just with son Hunter Biden involving Amtrak and MBNA, both of which were huge donors to Biden as Deleware Senator, and young Hunter was appointed to each's board of directors with no experience, right out of college, just because he is Biden's son.
For the level of influence of MBNA over Biden, he was jokingly called "The Senator from MBNA" instead of the Senator from Deleware. I worked for MBNA a few years. When MBNA was bought out by the Bank of America, they had become the largest issuer of credit cards in the world. MBNA and all the credit card companies all headquarter in Deleware because they have the most lenient interest laws of any state in the U.S. (meaning based in Delaware, they can charge higher interest rates nationwide than if based anywhere else in the U.S.)

That's just the tip of the iceberg regarding Joe Biden's corruption.

Regarding Hunter, the guy made millions from corrupt deals in Ukraine, China and Rumania (from Ukraine/Burisma alone, over 3 million), and while he was sleeping with the widow of his deceased brother, he was also frequenting strip clubs, smoking crack, and on top of that knocked up another girl. She sued him for $16,000 in child support he was not providing, despite all his corruptly obtained wealth. That's the kind of guy he is. And the corruption that connects to Joseph Biden himself, his sons and his brothers, all selling Biden's political office for profitable contracts to his family, are extensive.

I shit on Biden's integrity, and that of the entire corrupt Democrat party. As laid out in tecchnicolor detail by Malkin. See also Obamanomics by Tim Carney, or Clinton Cash or Profiles in Corruption by Peter Schweizer. There is no one the Chinese Communist Party would rather have in office than the Democrats, and Biden in particular, no one easier to buy off. Except for maybe the Clintons, or the Obamas, or Harry Reed, or Nancy Pelosi... all of which have enriched themselves off inside deals while in public office.
Corrupt to the core.