Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Conservatives just making accusations of voter fraud isn’t actually proof but I think you’ve made it clear that you’re just going to go with your partisan accusations and lies with name calling. Some states already have a mail voting system in place and it’s worked. It’s not okay to disenfranchise voters like they were in WI WB.

And after the Great Recession, that started before Obama took office, the unemployment rate went down year after year. Trump inherited a great economy and he had republicans that no longer demanded that the deficit needed to be dealt with. Likewise republicans feel very differently about bailouts these days. Bet that all changes if shitbag loses in 2020, right?

Linked and sourced, M E M. There's nothing I said that you can truly dispute.

When Trump was elected, the stock market surged in the two months before he was inaugurated,a sign of the market's confidence that Trump's new policy would be very good for business.

When Obama was elected in Nov 2008, the already declined market plunged to unimaginable new lows, and continued to up to and through his inauguration, a clear sign of the market's dread of what he would implement.
The recession and job losses continued to plummet for more than the first two years of Obama's presidency. Finally, not because Obama did anything right, but just because the stock market had sunk so low that stocks were perceived as being under-valued and a bargain at that point, the market finally began to recover.
And all along, the fed under Obama printed trillions and trillions (QE-1, QE-2, QE-3...), pouring printed cash into the economy, and still barely got a return on that printed cash. Not one year of even 2% annual growth in 8 years, the weakest recovery since the great depression.
And further borrowing trillions beyond that in new deficit, that I term (combined with the Fed printing trillions) "burning the wick at both ends". No other president has poured so much into the economy and yet gotten such a small return on all that spending. The path of Weimar Germany, Zembabwe, and Venezuela.

The rest of what you front beyond that is just smoke and mirrors, to deflect and put a happy spin on what actually happened under Obama.
Obama's campaign rhetoric to "fundamental transformation of America", indeed.