Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: lying SHITBAG Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: lying SHITBAG Matter-eater Man
Conservatives just making accusations of voter fraud isn’t actually proof but I think you’ve made it clear that you’re just going to go with your partisan accusations and lies with name calling. Some states already have a mail voting system in place and it’s worked. It’s not okay to disenfranchise voters like they were in WI WB.

And after the Great Recession, that started before Obama took office, the unemployment rate went down year after year. Trump inherited a great economy and he had republicans that no longer demanded that the deficit needed to be dealt with. Likewise republicans feel very differently about bailouts these days. Bet that all changes if shitbag loses in 2020, right?

Linked and sourced, M E M. There's nothing I said that you can truly dispute.

US economy under Trump: Is it the greatest in history?
Basically you’re trying to give Trump credit for things that mostly happened under Obama. At a certain point black unemployment did hit a record low under Trump for example. You’re technically correct but leave out that most of that drop in unemployment happened under Obama. Smoke and mirrors indeed.

It's certainly the best U.S. economy in 50 years. And clearly surpasses that under Obama, the Bushes, Clinton or even Reagan.

For the billionth time, despite your lying partisan propaganda, Trump achieved DOUBLE Obama's annual growth in just his first year as president, whereas Obama never surpassed 2% any of his 8 years as president. PERIOD. THE END.

Obama's advisors called lower than 2% growth "the new normal", the best that could be hoped for, and they could not even imagine achieving higher growth than that. So it is absurd to say that Trump's DOUBLED annual growth in just his first year was actually achieved by Obama. It is just a blatant lie, for the Bolshevik human cattle like yourself who will believe whatever the Democrat Central Committee tells them.

I can cite plenty more WB. You’re basically trying to pretend that the economy suddenly changed under Trump. The fact is most of this latest economic expansion happened under Obama. That is a fact. Trump did greatly increase the deficit with tax cuts that also juiced some of the economic numbers but that’s all gone now. I suspect his economic numbers are going to be under water by November.

Fair play!