Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
US records 18,700 coronavirus deaths

March 10: “And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” — Trump after meeting with Republican senators.

You would make a great Soviet or Chinese Communist minister of propaganda, M E M.

Relative to the estimated 1 to 2 million estimated dead without the preventive measures Trump and his Coronavirus team enacted, the numbers would be a lot higher.
If John Kerry or Obama, or Biden or Hillary were president, those numbers would be in the millions.
Your side has made it clear they would have done nothing to stope travel from infected countries, nothing to secure our borders. They would have just let it happen. As Obama did in 2009 with H1N1/Swine Flu, where 60 million were infected, 375,000 hospitalized, 12,000 dead.

But please, go on with your lying talking points, that are in complete contradiction of the facts.
While the U.S. has more in numbers, as a prroportion of our population the infection and deaths are lower. And it is precisely because the U.S. has done more testing that we have identified more cases that are confirmed to be Corvid-19/Wuhan Flu. While China, the nation responsible, hides its records of Covid-19, and hoarded medical equipment to further deprive the rest of the world of the ability to protect themselves against what the Chinese unleashed. That is quite telling, that they suppressed air travel in China, but allowed knowingly infected people to fly to and infect other nations. While witholding and hoarding medical supplies other nations needed!

IT IS CHINA that is responsible for this global pandemic, not just in the United States, but across over 180 nations. But you hate America so much, you would undermine our president who is doing his best to contain the damage.

I’m not sure what you’re calling a lie? The quote is accurate. Are you trying to say Trump didn’t say that? You seem to just be accusing me of lying because you don’t like the facts. I think you would actually make a great minister of propaganda for Trump. Your hatred of a free press and loyalty to Trump makes you a natural.

Honestly if Trump expected and depended China to be honest and transparent on this he was a fool. Nor do I believe he didn’t have an idea by March that things were truly under control. And since Trump failed to actually lead during this pandemic, it’s going to actually be the Govenors and lower levels of government that stepped up during the crisis. The guy who spent the pandemic playing it down early on and constantly misinforming isn’t the hero here. I can’t imagine the endless undeserved self praise Trump is doing really sits well outside his loyal supporters.

Fair play!