Originally Posted By: lying SHITBAG M E M
I’m not sure what you’re calling a lie? The quote is accurate. Are you trying to say Trump didn’t say that? You seem to just be accusing me of lying because you don’t like the facts. I think you would actually make a great minister of propaganda for Trump. Your hatred of a free press and loyalty to Trump makes you a natural.

A half-baked speculation from a media source that has been relentlessly been attacking Trump with similar unsourced allegations for over 3 years is NOT "accurate" or "facts". It is a hit job that alleges wrongdoing by Trump without any actual facts, just wild speculation by a newspaper source that has proven itself to be unrelentingly Democrat-partisan and hell-bent on trying to damage Trump.
And really, to damage Republicans in general.

 Originally Posted By: lying SHITBAG M E M

Honestly if Trump expected and depended China to be honest and transparent on this he was a fool. Nor do I believe he didn’t have an idea by March that things were truly under control. And since Trump failed to actually lead during this pandemic, it’s going to actually be the Govenors and lower levels of government that stepped up during the crisis. The guy who spent the pandemic playing it down early on and constantly misinforming isn’t the hero here.

I still fail to see where either you or any of your sources have made a solid case for where Trump did anything wrong. As soon as the CDC came to him and said restaurants and businessess and schools needed to be closed, Trump issued an advisory to close them.
In late January, both China and the World Health Organization were still saying the virus was not transmissible human-to-human (only animal-to-human). And we STILL don't have disclosure from China of how many were truly infected or died there.

Even so, Trump went against the best CDC advisors and shut down travel from China to the U.S. on Jan 31st.
But it eventually spread to the U.S. anyway, from Europe.

And again, I don't see where any of these "news" sources who are editorializing now that Trump didn't act more quickly, were sounding the alarm in February and early March. Quite the opposite, the media were downplaying the threat, Democrats like N Y city mayor Deblasio, Cuomo, Schumer and Pelosi were downplaying the threat, even as they called Trump "racist" and "over-reacting" for the protective measures President Trump did take!

As I've cited multiple times, there are multiple layers of steps Trump took early on to protect the country that Democrats never would have done. And were in fact calling Trump "racist" and "over-reacting" for doing what they now criticize as Trump's alleged under-reaction.

The Democrat and liberal-media hypocrisy is on full display. And they have no credibility to flip 180 degrees now and say the opposite now of what they were saying not even a month ago.
This is just the latest slander-fest to try and discredit Trump.
And meanwhile, Democrats hold up funding that should already be helping 30 million working Americans who have been deprived of all income, just so Democrats can extort funding from Republicans for museums, NPR and PBS, sanctuary cities, and abortion clinics.

Democrats and the liberal media are eagerly parroting the Chinese communist party's talking points. Nice job.