Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump’s support of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 could slow the race for a cure

Despite what Trump says this drug does have some side effects that can be fatal and he’s lying when he says there is nothing to lose. This was something he should have let his experts handle instead of his usual load of misinformation.

More liberal media propaganda.

I see interviews with multiple doctors every day detailing their frustration over the Democrat-state resistance to Hydroxychloroquine, a medication that for them is proven to be effective in saving lives and even preventing patients from being hospitalized and ending up on a respirator.
But clearly, Democrats like the Michigan governor would prefer to let people die rather than give credit to Trump for suggesting a medication that has been demonstrated to work.

As I cited in an earlier post, the foremost physician in the U.S. treating Lupus patients, who has treated thousands of Lupus patients in his 42 years, has prescribed hydrochloroquine for decades, and says he has never seen health-threatening side effects or hospitalization of a patient over Hydrochloroquine. And many of his patients have been prescribed hydrochloroquine for years, not just 5 days as is prescribed for Covid-19.

Further, there was a study I read where they asked doctors in 40 countries what they prescribed to treat Covid-19 patients, and overwhelmingly, 3,300 doctors said their treatment of choice is hydroxychloroquine. A French doctor with hundreds of Covid-19 patients expressed astonishment at the resistance to Hydroxychloroquine by [Democrat] officials in the U.S.

Something you would never guess at watching the Hydroxychloroquine fear-porn on CNN and MSNBC.

As I cited just a few posts above, a Michigan Democrat state representative said she was at death's door, and despite obstacles set up by the Michigan governor, fought like hell to get the drug, and made an immediate recovery. She said it was only because she saw Trump discussing it at one of his daily press conferences that she knew it existed and to request it. She credits President Trump with saving her life.

I don't expect to see that reported on CNN or MSNBC.