Even at their best, while the Swan/Anderson art team was unbeatable, they were often diminished by consistently mediocre stories to draw. The truly great Swan/Anderson Superman stories, where the art was paired with equally good stories, were sporadic at best.

I have to agree, the inkers who replaced Anderson were less than spectacular.

Making this more Batman-related, Swan did quite a few Superman/Batman stories in WORLD'S FINEST throughout the late 1970's and early 1980's. Although again, even when by the likes of Dennis O'Neil, they were not stories that O'Neil is known for.
The ones in WORLD'S FINEST I liked the best were the "Super Sons" stories, between about WORLD'S FINEST 215 and 264, about 10 stories in all. I know it's fashionable to rip on them as hokey, but they were fun stories, and somehow they worked.

Swan was perfect on Superman and Legion, particularly the Shooter-scripted Legion stories in ADVENTURE 346-380 or so.
Swan Batman... not so much. His version was a bit too Adam West for me, not quite enough avenger-of-the-night in the Adams/Novick/Aparo mold. I see Don Newton having the same problems with Batman.