Five days later, last night, Bernie Sanders endorses Joe Biden in a rather uncomfortable conference video between the two.

Then today, Barack Obama finally and half-heartedly endorses Joseph Biden as candidate.

Republican conservative Matt Schlapp described it as "yet another example of Barack Obama leading from behind."
And an endorsement that will not gain Biden a single vote.

Barack Obama's glowing endorsement a year ago when Biden first announced his candidacy (if I recall, April 25 2019):
"You don't have to do this, Joe..."

And then there's the recent sexual allegations against Joseph Biden from 1993 by a former staffer. Innocent until proven guilty and all that, but reaction of the New York Times, of the collective liberal media, of the Democrat leadership, and of Biden himself is largely ignoring the allegations rather than answer them. And when they give it any attention, are completely dismissive of accuser Tara Reade. What a sharp contrast against, say, Brett Kavanaugh, whose now-discredited accusers they were so eager to believe, based on no investigation or facts.
Democrat hypocrisy, piled on high.

This is not going to end well for Biden or the DNC. You already see Democrats fly-casting for a lifeline, such as recruiting Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a replacement. One can smell the desperation, there's nothing even remotely resembling enthusiasm for Biden as a candidate.