About 30 minutes ago, I saw aerial video footage (from a drone or helicopter) of protests outside the Minneapolis mayor's office, in protest to what they perceive as excessive restrictions with the stay-at-home orders.
I don't know exactly where you live, M E M, but that's either your hometown or pretty close to home for you, right? And those protests are occurring all over the country, in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Texas...

It doesn't help these protesting people to take restrictive measures seriously when Democrat mayors and governors start playing partisan games, targeting their political opposition shutting down and fining churchgoers, while things like supermarkets or drugstores right across the street that would have roughly the same social distancing (or lack thereof) requirements stay open.
And especially restriction of only gun stores and churches, while marijuana shops, liquor stores and abortion clinics remain open. That's pretty selective banning and social distancing of political groups these political leaders don't like.

Or where you can shop at, say a Wal-Mart or a Home Depot, where you're allowed to buy groceries and other items, but not tools or paint or lawn-seed in the same store! Regardless of politics, just arbitrary and confusing with no clear logic, just inconveniencing people. It's a formula for provoking angry mobs of protestors, for a governor or mayor to not even hear their complaints and explain, and outlaw redressing their grievances as a ":non-essential" activity. (That pesky First Amendment, soon to be replaced by the new authoritarian socialist order. If not already, it seems.)

And the Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer (on the short list to be Joseph Biden's token woman who might check the P.C. boxes to be his promised female Vice Presidential running mate) has really damaged herself politically with her condescending and defiant reaction to protests in Lansing, Michigan. Yesterday, Governor Whitmer defiantly said you can protest all you want, but I'm not lightening restrictions. That she's just ignoring the protests, no explaanation, no compromise. That is a remarkably tone-deaf response!
A more responsible leader might agree to a private or televised meeting with some of the more eloquent protest leaders, and either compromise a little, or at least defend logically her restrictions. But what she's doing is pretty conssistent with past Democrats like Barack Obama ("people who cling to their guns and religion and their antipathy to people not like them..."), Hillary Clinton or Stacy Abrams or Andrew Gillum and other Dems, where if you disagree with my policy you're a moron, so just shut up and take it. They could listen and debate, or even compromise just a little.

But no. Let them eat cake.

Frankly I began sheltering at home weeks before there was an official order. But I'm sympathetic to those who either can't, or are offended by the apparent political motivation of the restrictions, or at least object to the inconsistent logic and brutal enforcement and fines. To the point that many Michigan police departments refuse to enforce or fine those not cooperating.
No one should be fined $500 per person for having essentialy a drive-in church service in a parking lot, where they all stayed in their cars and listened to their pastor's broadcast on their individual car radios. They were not even given an initial warning, jus immediately given huge fines without the slightest advance notice of the new law, and one guy I cited earlier arrsted in a park right in front of his traumatized 6-year-old daughter.

That said, if I were to protest in the streets, I'd at least wear a protective mask and social distance. If I were leading these protests, I'd advise everyone protesting to not allow Dems and the liberal media to focus on anything other than the issues raised by the protest. But it could be argued that the protestors by not wearing protective masks and social-distancing are making the point that the threat is vastly exaggerated and just a way to control people. With 35,000 dead now (yesterday 2,500 in one day) I'm not willing to go along with that, but I concedethe point that far more people die of heart disease, car accidents, drunk driving deaths, drug overdoses, cancer and many other things, without a complete shutdown of society to prevent more deaths by these things. And at some point if not already, this complete shutdown will create a permanent loss of businesses, jobs, and ruined lives and careers, that will be very hard to replace later. We already have more unemployed now than during the worst years of the Great Depression. And that snowball continues to grow rolling down the mountain. I'm sincerely concerned about a resultant global economic collapse.

I'm convinced that Demcorats want this shutdown to last until it damages Trump badly enough that it prevents his re-election, their greatest motivation. But with Pelosi and Schumer obstructing aid to businesses and workers (two weeks ago, and again right now), that is quickly blowing up in their faces, not Trump's. I think Gov. Whitmer's lack of nuance and acting like an authoritarian defiant queen instead an elected leader has taken her off Biden's short list.