Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I would also point out that the governor in Mississippi explicitly spoke out against local overreaction like with the 500 [dollar] fines for churchgoers in a parking lot.
Governor denounces crackdown on churches

“Don’t trample the Constitution,” he said.

But the governor also had some advice for congregations across the Magnolia State — be prudent.

“I’ve asked all pastors not to hold these services, but we ordered churches safe from these outrageous actions,” he said. “Please use sense, everybody.”

Looks to me like blaming the Governor is misplaced here.

That's still a distortion. These were not 50 or 100 people meeting in a church where they could infect each other. It was 20 separate cars meeting in a parking lot and listening to their pastor's broadcast together on their car radios.

It's still a case of excessive crackdown on Christians, while other residents are free to potentially infect others in liquor stores or marijuana shops. I think the governor only distanced himself from the $500 fines because of the public backlash. But at least he did demounce the fines and crackdown on churches.

Again, I choose to stay at home and would not do what these people did, but I still understand and respect protestors' point of view that it is not a uniform enforcement of shelter-at-home and business closings. That seems to be Democrat governors targeting their conservative opposition for selective enforcement, that even a number of Michigan sheriffs said they think is unjust and they will not enforce. I would imagine the same is true of law enforcement in Mississippi.