Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And Trump tweeted “liberate MN” and I don’t see Gov Walz being that draconian in his shelter in place. That was just disgusting of Trump to do. I would also point out Michigan is one of the hardest hit states with coronavirus. That governor like the others are trying to reduce deaths with these temporary shelter in place measures. Not all of these quickly enacted measures make sense but those that refuse to practice social distancing measures while protesting are making things worse. Operation Gridlock actually ended up blocking access to hospital. Trump needs to stfu but instead he’s inciting this crap.

Again, that explains itself, despite your distortions. Democrat governors took the over-reaches I've detailed REPEATEDLY, that had nothing to do with public safety, arbitrarily closing businesses and limiting churches, gun stores and other businesses, while leaving open liquor stores, marijuana shops, and abortion clinics. As I detailed sourcing Tucker Carlson, people with "elective surgeries" such as hip and knee replacement were denied service, while abortions were permitted.
That's not about pandemic containment, that's about Democrat partisan politics and authoritarian over-reach and selected targeting of conservatives. Not Democrat governors "enforcing Trump's orders", but instead Democrat governors who are twisting and distorting those guidelines to the point of turning the public against cooperating with the more pragmatic measures recommended by Trump.

I've detailed the excesses of the Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer's quarantine policies. And I have family in Lansing, Michigan.

We’re in a middle of a pandemic. Trump tweeting crap like that is inexcusable. He’s encouraging these protesters to break the social distancing he supposedly supports. I watched kids in that mob in MN. A lot of healthcare workers have died taking care of infected people. How many more die because of these protests? I know Trump takes no responsibility for anything but my governor actually does feel personally accountable. The deaths weigh on him as do the lives being upended from the economic shutdown.

Ahh, blame it on Trump.... again. Your kneejerk partisan tendency.

People would be far more willing to comply with shelter-at-home orders, if Demcorat governors were not aabusing their power and selectively targeting conservatives so blatantly, in the many examples I've already given. If there were consistency and logic that Democrat governors like Gretchen Whitmer and Walz were willing to explain to their citizen protestors, and that their own law enforcement are saying they will not enforce because of its clear over-reach and inconsistent logic, maybe citizens would be more willing to comply.

Perhaps if you weren't relying exclusively on liberal media to reinforce your beliefs, you'd see there were two random Covi-119 testings done in Santa Clara county (San Francisco bay area) , and in Los Angeles county, both showing that Covid-19 antibodies show between 50 to 80 times more people were infected with Covid-19 than previously believed, and that over 50% of those cases showed no symptoms. So that means the ratio of severe illness or death is far lower than initially believed.

Further, the whole idea of the quarantine and "flattening the curve" was to prevent our medical hospitals from being overwhelmed by more patients than could possibly be cared for, as ocurred in China, Italy, and Spain. Where there were so many patient that in cases where lives could have been saved, there was a lack of staff and ventilators, and hospital staff had to basically do "triage" like a battlefield, and choose who they would save, who was most likely to warrant the effort and resources expend on saving.

In the last 2 months under Donald Trump's leadership, he first set up travel bans to delay the spread in the U.S.
And then he has stockpiled ventilatorss and other PPE (personal protection equipment), and set up emergency hospitals in every affected area that has put in place medial capability far beyond the high point of the pandemic patients, and still stands ready to care for those infected.
Further, the lowered number of patients has allowed development of new drugs and better understanding of how to treat the virus, such as 1) blood serum antibodies taken from recovered Covid-19 patients, to inject into seriously ill patients that has allowed many to recover, 2) hydroxychloroquine and 3) remdesivir, among other therapies. So homefully in a month or two, even the most life-threatening cases can be cured.
So, with all that in place, time bought with the preparation, why shut down all of the United States?

In my own Palm Beach County FL, with a population of 1.5 million, there are currently about 275 hospitalizations, and 92 deaths.

So long as testing is available to isolate persons who are infected, and contact-tracing to locate and quarantine any they infect, we should be like South Korea and re-open out society.

I think the Democrats propagandize for a complete lockdown to continue indefinitely has passed beyond pandemic defense to 1) undermine Trump by shutting down the ecconomy as a plot to prevent Trump politically and try to prevent his re-election, and 2) under a "never let a crisis go to waste" standard Democrat/Leftist strategy, put in place radical reforms (release of prissoners, shutting gun stores, persecuting Christians, arresting all political dissenters) as their kneejerk authoritarian plot to consolidate power. And especially to 3) to enact mail-in ballots that allow Democrats to rig elections, as they did with such ballots in Republican stronghold Orange County, CA, to unfairly win this and future elections.
Democrats have no concern for the tens of millions who have been displaced, who suddenly have no income to buy food or pay bills. Even doing all this damage to 22 million now-unemployed Americans , Democrats are contemptibly holding up Republican legislation to help these people, delaying money these families need right now to feed their families, just so Democrats can try to extort unrelated funding for PBS and NPR, for santuary cities, for voter I.D. reqquirements and absentee ballots so Demcorats can rig elections.

It's obscene what your party is doing. It's all about power for Democrats, not about their hypocritical overtures of concern for the people their policies truly hurt. Again proving Democrats have unaapologetically become the Bolshevik party.