Also disgusting how Democrat leaders and liberal media perfectly mirror verbatim the talking points of Chinese state media, propagandizing blame on Trump to hide the Chinese negligence that caused this worldwide outbreak in over 180 nations. Rather than Democrats/liberal media expressing outrage and pointing blame at the true source of this pandemic.

It's more overt in this specific example, but consistently Dems and the media every day echo Chinese communist party talking points. As they clearly side with an enemy who has clear hostile intentions toward the United States.
Bottom line: China knew this was a highly contagious virus, to the point that they suspended all interior flights within China to and from Wuhan province. But simultaneously allowed flights out of China to spread the virus to nations worldwide. THIS is who the piece of shit Democrat Bolsheviks are siding with, against Trump, and against the American people.

Joseph Biden for his sellouts already up to this point is often referred to as "quid pro Joe" or "Joe China", and is clearly the moldaable corrupt politician China would prefer to be dealing with after Nov 2020. As they are already with Sen Diane Feinstein, and Rep. Debbie Wasserman-bitch-cunt Schultz. Both of whom emplyed Chinese spies, and helped those exposed operatives escape from any penalty or prosecution. The Democrat party is corrupt, hates America, and is truly evil.