Tucker Carlson, April 20, 2020, Monday - The most terrifying period appears to be over.

The tendencies to continue exploiting the crisis to advance a Democrat suppression of conservatives, aided by the aligned liberal media, and by authoritarian message control and censorship at Facebook. The reluctance to let go of that authoritarian control by the Democrat/Left, even when the crisis is easing.

From 13:00 to 17:00 in the video, Carlson cites some interesting facts: that political leaders push people to stay in their homes and not go outside, but a JOURNAL OF AMERICAN MEDICINE study reports that most people were infected (80%) by being enclosed in their homes and sharing spece with family. Second highest place of infection was sharing space on public transportation. So the question is: why are leaders telling us to stay in our homes, and arresting people for being in parks, on beaches surfing alone (Malibu, CA), and otherwise being outside?

And that multiple random testings of populations in Santa Clara, CA, and Los Angeles, CA, and in the New York area, show that while Covid-19 infections are as much as 50 to 80 times higher than initially thought in the population, over 50% of those cases have no symptoms, the Covid-19 mortality rate relative to that could be as low as 0.02%.

From what I can see, deaths peaked around April 12, and are gradually declining now. The part about oil trading at below zero dollars a barrel, literally giving oil away to move it, is alarming. As are the evaporated jobs for over 22 million Americans, while Democrats in Congress not only want them to stay [unemployed indefinitely, but continue to just let them twist in the wind, to extort favors from House/Senate Republicans regarding their unrelated Leftist agenda, at the expense of millions of families who literally can't buy groceries.
As Nancy Pelosi boasts to a fawning CNN reporter about her vast freezerful of expensive frozen designer chocolates. "Let them eat cake!"