Originally Posted By: M E M
I think it’s pretty nutty and really partisan wishful thinking that democrats want high unemployment.

Pelosi and the Dems have made clear for four years now that they'll do anything, any lying propaganda, any slander, to undermine Trump, and many have made clear they welcome a downturn in the economy they can blame on Trump (rather than China, who is truly responsible).

Pelosi has literally delayed legislation for 3 weeks that would bail out tens of millions of owners and employees, who again, can't even afford food right now. Every day she delays assures that more of them will go out of business, she's toying with millions of lives to extort irrelevant partisan concessions for illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities, green new deal funding, and funding for NPR and PBS. None of which have a thing to do with helping these millions of people.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Basically what you’re attributing to democrat politicians actually originates from the WH’s own experts that Trump has used.

That doesn't even make a coherent point.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
They are not saying it’s safe to reopen things up. Likewise I suspect you are still sheltering in place because you don’t feel it’s safe. “Let them eat cake” indeed, can’t imagine that cake you’re having tasting anything but bitter. Let me know when you’re done sheltering in place WB. Till than I know you don’t even believe what your saying.

Pelosi is eating bitter cake, not me. And demonstrating she is an elitist completely out of touch from the people she pretends to care about and represent.

If the experts don't agree, why are Fauci and Birx and Redfield on stage every day at press conferences saying they will closely monitor county by county, and will close regions only if there is a surge in new cases.
The reason for the shutdown was to prepare and stockpile medical staff and ventilator machines. That is now ready in abundant excess. So ready that many hospitals are sending home staff because they are so over-prepared for a huge wave that didn't come. Thank God. But if there is a surge or a new wave later, hospitals are now ready for it. The original goal has been reached. But Democrats are using lockdown as aa political weapon to target their political opposition, and their supporters, with selective enforcement that makes no logical sense.

I live in an area with a high ratio of cases, that's why I'm sheltering. I'm not in Wyoming, or Montana or South Dakota. I'm sheltering at home to obey the shelter-at-home order.
Two weeks ago in my zipcode, there were 57 cases.
Currently in my zipcode there are 0 cases.
In 5 of the 8 zipcodes for my city there are 0 cases. Zero reported cases, to be clear. In the other 3 there are about 25 cases. I've thought of going to the store, and will have to for groceries at some point, but am doing my best to comply. And when I shop, I'll wear a protective mask.

But as I said, 3 new studies show that the ratio of unsymptomatic cases nationwide and worldwide, is far greater than thought even 2 weeks ago, as low as 0.02% mortality rate, or 1 in 5,000. So that reduces the fear factor. I'm also not over 65, or to my knowledge immune-compromised in any way.
Specifically for Palm Beach County, out of a population of 1.5 million people, to date there are 2,320 reported cases, of those 380 have been hospitalized, and 131 deaths. Out of 1.5 million people.
I was anxious 2 weeks ago about how high the cases would go, but the crisis largely seems to have passed at this point.

Further, as I said before, about one third of counties in tha U.S. don't have any reported cases at this time. So why should these people be in lockdown? This is a disease that spreads in densely populated urban areas, and especially at crowd events such as Mardi Gras in New Orleans, crowded spring break bars and beaches in Florida, Soccer games in Italy, Chinese festivals in New York City and San Francisco, and moon festivals with 5 million people in Wuhan, China. With awareness and preparation, washing hands frequently, smaller groups of people, social distancing and protective masks, it's at least worth trying to see if that's enough to prevent spread, especially in regions of the country that are not even affected.