Originally Posted By: M E M
Yes Cuomo didn’t prepare for a pandemic just like Trump didn’t.

You still haven't made a case for that, beyond partisan B.S.
Trump prepared resources far beyond what was needed, to the point that hospitals are sending staff home, naval hospital ships are being re-assigned, and even hardest hit New York is sending ventilators to other states. Trump's leadership is responsible for that over-preparation, so that we are now prepared for any resurgence elsewhere in the country.

Your side relentlessly manufactures fake issues and wild speculation about Trump, and the pandemic is no exception over the last 4 years:

Every time a day later your side and the liberal media is proven wrong, and they just move on a day later to the next lying fake talking point, never acknowledging they were completely wrong every previous day.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And when republicans are comparing McConnell to Marie Antoinette it’s pretty out of touch that this is all partisan dem spin.

The self-promoting former Republican representative from Michigan, who was a Republican and is now an "independent", who in truth caucuses with the Democrats. You're such a fucking liar, M E M. That's so clearly a lying narrative.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Again Mitch’s state of Kentucky takes the federal money NY pays in. Now when NY needs help because of the pandemic Mitch wants to screw them over and all the other states?

You're sticking to your lying talking points, that doesn't make them any more believable or true.
AS I SAID the debt these Democrat states have racked up far precedes the current pandemic crisis.
Why should the federal government cover for Dems' own irresponsibility, that going decades back, far precedes the pandemic? If it was only debt from the pandemic crisis, I'd say yes, they should be covered. But in truth it's just another Democrat deception, under cover of the pandemic crisis.
Democrat governors nationwide have engaged in deficit spending for decades, and want to use the current crisis to hide their irresponsible spending over many years, by having a federal bailout. No way.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Bankruptcy isn’t even a legal option for states and as Cuomo has explained will hurt the economy even more. Again Mitch’s state is actually the one that gets federally bailed out while states like NY provide the funding Kentucky takes.

Just to prove you're a fucking liar for blaming Republicans, Kentucky is led by a Democrat governor.
And throughout most of the preceding 15 years was run by Democrat governors.

Last time I checked, Mitch McConnell is a Senator, and not a governor or other executive in charge at any time of Kentucky's budget and spending.

The governors of Kentucky have been:

Andy Beshear (Democrat, December 10, 2019- present)
Matt Bevin (Republican, December 8, 2015 – December 10, 2019)
Steven Beshear (Democrat, December 11, 2007 – December 8, 2015)

It seems to me looking at this...


...the explosion of public debt in Kentucky occurred under the 8 years of Democrat Steven Beshear, and that his successor Republican Bevin, whatever else he did as governor, initially made an improvement in reducing debt, followed by a spike in state debt in 2017.

In fairness, it seems to not be related to the decisions of governors of either party, but by lower bureaucrats who made bad choices funding the pension programs for Kentucky state employees, dating back to the 2008 national financial collapse:

But since you made it partisan, I thought I would point out this happened mostly on a Democrat's watch. Even though that appears to not be the root cause.
And this is for state budget deficit.

The issue we're discussing is federal funding of Kentucky (vs federal support of other states).
I've found 2 lists of the 50 states that list which state receives the most and least federal funding.

But neither list specifies the reasons why each state receives or doesn't receive federal funding.
I could understand why Alaska receives net federal funding (vs. paid tax dollars). Alaska is a state isolated from the rest of the country, that borders Russia and has oil and national defense benefits, despite having a small population. Why some of the others, such as Kentucky receive a lot of federal dollars (both personal/individual support with federal dollars, and state government support from federal dollars) is less clear.

State dependency on federal funding is something that was first solicited by FDR in the 1930's, that he used to buy loyalty, to turn states into Democrat supporters. That is where 8 decades of federal graft and pork spending began.