Watters World, 5-2-2020, Saturday

In the opening minutes, Watters gives a clear timeline of events, how Gen. Michael Flynn was not a participant in Obama's politicization of the DNI (Clapper), the CIA (Brennan), and FBI Comey and McCabe, and Strzok and Lisa Page), and therefore they conspired to set a perjury trap, to stop Flynn as incoming National Security Advisor for Trump from dismantling the corrupt system these officials had created. They set traps to ensnare and imprison Flynn, despite that Flynn had done nothing wrong.
Likewise Paul Manafort, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, K.T. McFarlane, Michael Caputo and others. In each case, they bankrupted these Trump officials with legal fees, tried to make them falsely testify against Trump, used manufactured perjury traps and "process crimes", because they had no actual crimes these people were guilty of.

I'm glad to see increasing calls for the removal of Christopher Wray as FBI director. Wray is part of the Comey/McCabe/Mueller/Brennan/Clapper cabal, has stonewalled on release of documents, to keep aalive and enable this deep state assault on our elected government.

I would also like to see further public exposure and pressure on the trial judges and FISA court judges, who have enable obscene twistings of due process and let stand clearly falsified evidence and illegal FISA requests.
Particularly obscene is the trial, partisan judge, and jury corruption in the Roger Stone case. Only Roger Stone and Michal Flynn remain in jail.
Michael Cohen and Michael Avenatti (Democrat allies) have both been set free on the pretense of the Covid-19 threat. And only those loyal to Trump remain in jail. Hey, how about that!

It's quite clear the deep state lives on and helps its friends, even behind bars.
God forbid we see justice where the truly guilty conspirators get punished, and their victims are set free and vindicated. Even those not convicted like Jerome Corsi, Michael Caputo and K.T. McFarlane have been bankrupted with legal fees, have FBI agents still hassling their clients and preventing them from regaining their former business. Punished without evidence for just being allies of Trump. It's Orwellian.