Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Do you think it’s in the national interest for folks like Flynn to hide and even lie repeatedly about their foreign interests and lobbying efforts?

Flynn didn't "lie" the lie was a manufactured perjury trap, created by the FBI!
The alleged "violation" was the Logan Act, passed into law and virtually unused since 1802 !

That the Democrat-partisan criminals in the FBI contrived this as a way to indict Gen. Flynn only underscores what an illegitimate stretch it was to indict him. I believe you fully understand that, but misrepresent the facts to create an illusion of criminality to rationalize a pseudo-legitimate narrative for what happened to Flynn. There were violations of FBI procedure 9as cited by FBI inspector general Horowitz) at every turn of the FBI investigation and prosecution of Flynn. It was a Soviet-style investigation, of wanting to target someone and then manufacturing the crime, in order to jail a politically targeted man. As made clear in the Jesse Watters editorial (that you clearly didn't watch) Flynn was targeted by Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Brennan because Flynn planned to eliminate the corruption in those FBI, CIA and DNI agencies that had been politicized by Obama. Only a Democrat Bolshevik could not be disturbed by that, and by what was unleashed on Flynn unlawfully, that clearly manifests that inter-agency corruption.

The Logan Act is to prosecute a private citizen for conducting foreign policy without the authorization of the United States. In Flynn's case, he was already appointed the national security advisor, and all his communications were in the process of his transitional government establishing relations with his counterparts in other foreign states, as a part of his job!
Specifically, two FBI agents were sent by then-FBI director James Comey to interview Flynn in the White House. No consent from the White House, no disclossure to Flynn that he was under investigation. Flynn specifically asked if he needed an attorney, and the FBI tricked him and said no.
In a similar interview, Hillary Clinton had an army of attorneys to protect her. In the Hillary Clinton interview (against FBI procedure) the FBI interview of her was not recorded, so as to spare her from any possible perjury indictment later.
In the same situation with Flynn, he was tricked into not having counsel, and every word was recorded, FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE of indicting him in a perjury trap, despite that even the agents who interviewed Flynn said they thought he was not attempting to hide anything or deceive them. Rank-and-file FBI agents found no evidence and were going to close the case, until Peter Strzok specifically instructed them to leave the case open despite the lack of evidence, because "the 7th floor is handling it" [FBI executive floor, top management], who manufactured a false case against Flynn. The abuses against Flynn by FBI are so visible that I would think the trial judge and the FBI would want to throw out the case, just to get their own misconduct out of the public spotlight.

FBI similarly selectively targeted Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Jerome Cosi, George Pappadapoulos, Michael Cohen and others. And previously over the last 20 years or so, Senater Ted Stevens of Alaska (exonerated AFTER he had lost his election to a Democrat, Scooter Libby (who DIDN'T expose Valerie Plame, it was Richard Armitage who later admitted he unknowingly did so, who was never prosecuted), plus executives of Enron and Arthur Anderson, some of whom died in jail before the U.S. Supreme court exonerated them in an overwhelming 9-0 decision and set them free.
The common denominator in all those abusive convictions were Robert Mueller, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmannn, Fitzpatrick, and other infamous FBI prosecutors, who consistently used these tactics for decades, and then used the same tactics on Trump officials, piled on excessive charges to leverage a plea bargain despite the innocence of those entrapped. And forced them to give fake depositions to convict others, bankrupted defendants to force them to accept plea bargains, despite their later PROVEN innocence and release. No thanks to these sociopathic criminals in the FBI.