Ford as I cited had 4 people that she had spoken to in the past about Kavanaugh raping her. Reade apparently has 4 people now too but last year she had a different story that she said didn’t involve sexual assault. She is also a big Bernie Sanders supporter. I do not know if she is lying but I do highly suspect you would be calling her a liar like you have every time for Trump if the accusations were aimed at him.

And there is a difference between what Biden has been accused of previously that he has acknowledged and apologized for so no unlike Trump Biden doesn’t have multiple women accusing him of criminal rape. Nor has he bragged about being so powerful that he could just grab women’s pussies. Nor did Biden have to pay a former wife millions of dollars and have her sign a non disclosure agreement after she gave a deposition describing him violently pulling her hair out. That’s your guy.

Fair play!