You don't see that Mika Brzezinski is a complete Democrat yes-woman and puppet of the Democrat/Left, who parrots Democrat talking points on any given day, and literally parrots Joe Scarbporough every day? There's a reason no one watches their show. It's complete propaganda, devoid of any information whatssoever, and they've been busted multiple times in their lies and false hyperbolic conspiracy theories. On any other netwwork, that show would have been cancelled for low ratings and irresponsible disinformation a long time ago.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And to be clear, if Biden wins and democrats hold the house and take control of the senate any of the Supreme Court nominees should be held to the same standard as Kavanaugh was if there are claims of rape.

"If Biden wins".
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Yeah, don't hold your breath on that one. There is zero enthusiasm for Biden. His negatives and the lack of Democrat voter enthusiasm is far below even the lukewarm support for Hillary. He is corrupt ( #JoeChina ), mentally impaired, and has a long history of creepy behavior toward women.

The claims against Kavanaugh are baseless and disproven, to everyone but the most committed propagandists of the Democrat/Left.

And likewise, I've been through the specious list of allegations against Trump, that are clearly motivated by either revenge or who made it clear in 2016 they were Democrats and their allegations were motivated by their ideology as committed Democrat Bolsheviks.