Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Note to self. Dig up MEM’s posts from 2016 about Hillary in the polls


Yeah, it strains credibility that with Donald Trump's accomplishments in his first 4 years, greater thaan Reagan's up to the same point, with an economy better than any president in 50 years, better than Reagan, better than Clinton, better than W. Bush, better than Obama, that he would be dragging behind any Democrat contender in the polls.
Let alone behind, of all people, the perpetually confused and bufoonish Joe Biden.
"Joe China".
"Creepy Joe."
"Quid Pro quo" Joe.

It strains credibility. And I suspect liberal pollsters are just doing what they always do, over-sampling the ratio of Democrats, to make it appear the Democrat side has more support than they truly do.
Only about 60% of Biden's own party even supports him as a candidate. Enthusiasm for Joe is probably low, even in that group. At least 26% of his own party in the last poll wants another Democrat nominee, and are therefore not likely to turn out for Biden in November.
Even campaign contributions for Biden in April are down 90% below what they were the month prior.

Whereas Trump has over 90% support within his own party, the most of any Republican since at least Reagan.

So the liberal media has rigged the polls again, just like they always do. A year before the 1988 election, polls showed G H W Bush would lose to Dukakis by 16%. When the electiuon actually happened, Bush Sr won in a landslide.