Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
There isn’t much of a history is there? The polls for 2016 were not that far off with Clinton still winning the popular vote. I certainly wouldn’t buy into any thinking that Trump is doomed because of the polling though either.

As we've discussed before, there are at least 3 million illegal voters just in California. That's more than the margin of Hillary Clinton's 2.8 million-vote "victory" right there.
As we've discussed prior, True The Vote found 7 million illegally registered voters, in just 28 of the 50 states they investigated. For which Obama's IRS politically targeted them.

Democrats "win" elections by rigging them, and anyone who tries to eliminate that corruption is accused of being "racist". Hillary didn't win, she cheated, she just didn't cheat enough to rig and win the electoral vote as well.