Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Don’t confuse disgust with rage on Pence’s lack of character and let me assure you of my true rage for Trump’s lies and downplaying of the pandemic that continues to this day. While it was spreading here he gushed about China and attacked the media for overhyping the threat. I personally want to see that shitbag “I take no responsibility “ Trump get everything he deserves for his fucked up response that has made us number one in deaths in the world of Coronavirus. A lot of blood is on his hands and also on the hands of those that enable such an unfit person for the office.

As for Cuomo I get the sense that there were no good choices at the time. The hospitals were being overwhelmed so they couldn’t keep them there. If he was negligent he should be held accountable but while NY had the highest nursing home deaths, other states actually had a higher percentage of their deaths come from nursing homes than NY. Politically I get why you want to blame Cuomo though.

You should save your rage for the lying Bolshevik fanatics on your side. They demonstrate their lawlessness and contempt for the rule of law every day. And the lawlessness of the Obama administration continues to be exposed. It terrifies me what the Bolshevik fanatics on your side would do to this country if they ever regain all 3 branches.
It was President Trump who supplied Governor Cuomo with thousands of ventilator machines he didn't prepare himself, far more than Cuomo over-estimated he needed so thaat New Yor was never under-supplied. It was President Trump who set up hospitals and emergency field hospitals that were mostly never used, where a more compentent New York governor would have sent the elderly so they wouldn't haave been sent back to cause mass death in the thousands in New York nursing homes. EVEN GIVEN THE RESOURCES by Trump, Gov. Cuomo still squandered and mismanaged them. Reckless. Blood on his hands. And when questioned about it, Cuomo unapologetically said "old people are going to die of this, that's life". Imaagine the media coverage this would have gotten if Trump said something this callous. But because a Democrat "golden governor" said it, it's invissible to the 80% liberal media.
Even when Trump provided the only things that went right in New York, you jerks can't give Trump credit for saving Cuomo and New York's bacon. How many thousands more would have died in New York if not for Trump?

You guys demonize Gov. Ron Desantis of FL, who kept the body count low in his state, and struck the right balance between targeted protection of the elderly and of those most at risk, with keeping the economy open as much as possible.
As contrasted with Gov. Andrew Cuomo of NY, who negligently didn't prepare despite a 2015 report by his own health department sounding the alarm, that he ignored and actually after became even lessprepared. And then issues an incompetent executive order to send the Covid-19 infected back into nursing homes to turn them to Covid-death breeding grounds by the thousands with no precautions, for which the liberal media gives him a complete free pass. And even praise him as "presidential"! As "the golden governor"!
And the media heaped similar praise on the incompetent Demogovernors who mismanaged similar surges of nursing home deaths in Pennsyvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachussetts and Michigan.

Even as they demonized the Republican governors of Texas, Florida and Georgia as "reckless" and "wanting people to die", and "having blood on their hands".

Score another celebration of incompetence for the Democrats, and for their propaganda arm in the 80% liberal Newspeak media.