Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump is a shit bag and on course to leave the country in far worse shape than what he inherited. More people dead, poorer and unemployed. He downplayed a highly contagious virus but gets all emo and takes fast action against free speech if Twitter fact checks one of his many lies. You want to polish the turd, go ahead but it’s pretty off topic for this thread.

That's a convoluted partisan narrative, with no facts to back it up. Trump is fixing things that have been broken for decades. Securing our borders, incentivizing economic growth and jobs, negotiating multiple international trade deals in the U.S. interest for the first time since W W II, ending U.S. dependency on foreign oil, waging tough negotiations with China to actually protect our country from China's rising threat for the very first time, ending U.S. dependency on Chinese exports, just in time, and now leading against the Covid-19 pandemic better than any other president would.

Your treasonous cultural marxist/globalist party, and Biden in particular, have been selling out to China for years. Biden's son, with absolutely no experience and a crack habit that recently got him expelled from the military, flew with V P Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two and quickly got a $1.5 billion investment deal with the Bank of China, from which Hunter Biden will get at least a $20 million commission. That deal coincided with a softening of Biden's rhetoric with China, and a diminishment of U.S. naval patrols in the South China sea, that also coincided with a rise in Chinese aggression toward their neighbors there.
In addition, just today I saw that a Biden School at the University of Pennsylvania was funded extensively by China, beginning with an initial $14.5 million initial investment.

"Joe China" will not lead us to the promised land. He'll lead us to enslavement and a world dominated by China, exactly where we were headed under Obama, where the U.S. would have been going under Hillary Clinton, what we were saved from by Trump. There is no president since Reagan who has made such a vigorous restoration and defense of our country.
What your leftist anti-American party would do to this country, the intentions they have telegraphed in public statements for years now, absolutely terrifies me.