Despite VOX's spoon-fed liberal-talking-points lying narrative version of the Spain study of Covid-19 infections, the bottom line is that a larger ratio of the population in Spain were infected than initially known, with a far lower fatality rate.
If 5% of Spain was infected and has antibodies (with 27,000 deaths), if the remaining 95% were infected (and they won't, a disease never infects 100%, most infect 30% to 60%), that ratio would result in 513,000 more deaths.

More importantly relative to the U.S., the Spain study shows that even with an even more severe lockdown than the U.S., that a higher ratio of those sheltered at home were infected than among the "essential" workers who were not sheltered.

Again showing that the governors of New York, New Jersey, Michigan and California attempting to abuse their authority to impose extended lockdowns are doing so without a logical reason, as the science does not back the argument for a shut-down. Reinforcing that it it is being done for political reasons. (i.e. HATE TRUMP! And to aid the Democrats in the Nov 2020 election, by 1) hurting Trump's economy, and 2) rationalizing mail-in ballots that Democrats are masters at stealing elections with.)