Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I think it’s fairly evident that race relations have gotten a whole lot worse under Trump.


Trump has the lowest unemployment numbers for blacks since they began tracking statistics for it, in 1972 !
Likewise for Hispanics, asians, women, under-25 employment, all the lowest in 50 years.

Trump has released many blacks from jail who were given excessive sentences. Either releasing them or reducing sentences to more equal and proportionate sentences. Something Democrats for all their posturing never did, in all the decades and administrations they had power.

As I cited previously, a black billionaire said that Trump is the best thing that ever happened to black America, and has done more to advance black Americans than any other administration.

Further, as I quoted from Tavis Smiley, then with PBS, Barack Obama during his 8 years "wiped away 50 years of black progress", and that if Obama were a white president instead of a black one "there would have been million-man black marches on Washington" because of the damage Obama's presidency did to black America.

But yeah, whatever. Sorry the facts don't gel with your lying talking points. Much as your side tries to front that lying narrative.