The crazy partisan actions and flatout lying propaganda is overwhelmingly coming from the Democrat side.

I wish I'd quoted the Australian president a week or two ago when that nation opened their economy (once again, only reported and quoted on One America News, not on CNN, MSNBC or even FOX). The Austalian president said quite honestly to his people: there will be setbacks, there will be further outbreaks, further clusters, further un-anticpated complications, but overall this is the right thing to do for the nation. I wonder if any other nation has an opposition party or news media that are so unrelentingly hostile to their president, no matter what he does right.
During the Dec 2019/January 2020 impeachment hearings, Newt Gingrich pointed out (as has Media Research Center) that the news media that had already reached 93% negative coverage (CNN and NBC) early in Trump's presidency reached 100% negative coverage of Trump during the Jan impeachment hearings. Gingrich commented that it is remarkable that Trump could have 100% negative coverage and yet remain at or near 50% in the polls. On most given days with popularity at or higher than Obama had at the same point in his presidency. Even with the adoring liberal media being the wind at Obama's back and flying cover for him, and that same media conversely being 100% hostile to Trump, trying to tear him down at every turn.

Again: I live in one of the hardest hit regions of Florida, one of only 3 counties still locked down. In a county of 1.5 million people, there are approximately 6,000 reported cases, approximately 1,100 hospitalizations, and approximately 319 deaths. And that is the total cumulative reported, with no specifics disclosed of how many have recovered. If it's the same as the rest of the nation, about 30% have fully recovered at this point, and the curve is overall steadily trending down. So I think it's ridiculous to want to completely shut down everything for such a small number at risk. As Governor Desantis of Florida has done, he has targeted protection of the elderly and immune-compromised, and as a result, despite Florida having a far larger overall population and a far higher elerly population than New York, Florida has far less cases and deaths than New York. And a far lower ratio than NJ, and than PA, MA, RI, and MI.

It is clear that these states, governed by Democrats, want to weaponize lockdowns to tank the economies of their states as a way to bring down Trump's popularity right before an election. But they are only hurting themselves in the process, because even Democrats in those states see what is being attempted, at their expense. And they are angrily protesting in the streets for their Democrat governors to let them work again. Even Democrats are turning on the Democrat governors.

And as shown yesterday, where the Dow has already returned from is recent low of 19,173 (March 20th), down over 10,000 points from its all-time high of 29,551 (Feb 12th), it has already at this intermediate stage of recovery rocketed to 27,100 yesterday, gaining 826 points from the previous day, and less than 2,400 points from its all-time high!
And that's with partisan lockdowns vindictively prolonged by Dem governors for purely political reasons in NY, NJ, MI, CT, RI, MA and CA, some of the economic giant states! I don't see Democrats being able to keep this deceptive partisan lockdown stunt going much longer. The science doesn't back it up.