Yeah, the Orwellian future, where any inconvenient facts can be erased with just a few taps on a keyboard, as if those facts never even existed. We're approaching that.

I keep hoping either conservative or neutral social media sites will be created, that will offer an uncensored alternative to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, and Amazon.

When things are prevented from me finding them on Google searches, I go to a site called
It's really creepy when I watch the news and they refer to an article, and I search for and can't find it on Google because of an algorithm filter has prevented it from appearing.
For example...
If I hadn't already read this at rasmussen and specifically said rasmussen in the google search, it would never allow me to find the article in a word search of Trump's first year accomplishments or "shockingly long list".

Again, you have to Trump accomplished 64% of his agenda, faster than Reagan implemented his campagn policy, to make it come up in a search, although this one is not as hard to find. To find the ARasmussen one, I had to use DuckDuckGo. Despite that I could find it easily for most of the last 3 years, Google has changed their search algorithm to make it harder to find. And if I (or anyone) post links to pro-Trump information on Facebook or Youtube, I'll be deleted as a user.