Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’ll just point out I’ve been citing links to white supremacy groups involved in creating violence with the protests. Actual arrests made for example. You have not with your accusations that are pretty convenient for Trump and supporters.

And there really does need to be changes made in law enforcement. I like the idea of police officers actually being from the communities they police.

I find it rather convenient that Twitter, who normally gives no specific reason for deleting a post or account, was very specific when they deleted the white supremacist/Antifa account.

It seems like they did that for a calculated purpose, where they would have flown cover and ambiguity on deletion of an account falsely fronting a Democrat/Antifa/Leftist account. Facebook and Twitter could have prevented a lot of riots and damage of the last two weeks by simply clossing and deleting the accounts of Antifa groups nationwide.

That would have prevented a lot of looting and burning of businesses, a lot of dead and injured law enforcement officers, a lot of dead and injured protestors and bystanders, nationwide. But the bottom line is, Facebook and Twitter are filled with far-Left employees and executives, and therefore enabled them, at the cost of a lot of lives, businesses and injuries.

Likewise, Democrat government officials at the state and local level have bent over backward not to prosecute Antifa thugs arrested, and just let them go. Which sends a strong message to do it again.

Don't try to scapegoat this onto some fictional white supremacist responsibility for this, on maybe one example you can find. The responsibility for this chaos and destruction clearly rests in Democrat/Leftist/Antifaa hands, pretty much all working hand-in-glove to enable all this to happen, and largely without consequences for the Antifa at the center of it. George Soros and Barack Obama have organized and funded the chaos.