There was also this from the DailyBeast...
In the Nevada case, prosecutors charged three military personnel—one from the Army Reserves, the other the Navy, the third the Air Force—with plotting to destroy a National Parks Service facility and with carrying unregistered Molotov cocktails at a Black Lives Matter event. The feds allege the three are self-identified members of the Boogaloo movement, and plotted to begin their dreamt-of civil war first at Reopen protests, then hurling fire bombs at police to spark violence during the civil rights demonstration. Unlike most of the other indictments, the criminal complaint describes extensive planning and coordination.

To be clear anyone for whatever motivation is trying to use the protests to start violence is scum and deserves to get the book thrown at them it is disturbing that Trump and Barr are being misleading on Antifa. I consider myself anti-fascist and I’m very much a law abiding citizen. Why do they give cover to the white supremacy groups?

Fair play!