Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
What does the CDC say WB? OAN is not really anything I would trust to even attempt to do balanced reporting. I know New Zealand now says it’s at zero cases. Florida now seems to have a lot of nursing home deaths. (Not crowing about that btw).

The CDC that told us till March 11th that Covid-19 was not a threat to the United States?
The CDC that same day who told a guy calling in a question to Dr. Fauci on CNN, hesitant to go on a cruise, that it was safe and to go ahead on his trip. It turned out for many a week or two later that being on a Covid-19-infected cruise ship was the absolute worst place on earth to be.
The CDC that told us for months not to wear a mask, then in early April suddenly went polar opposite and said it was mandatory that everyone has to wear a protective mask. Never a clear expanation for the polar reversal, no apology. Oops!

The CDC that has declared a partisan holy war on the use of hydroxychloroquine, despite its proven effectiveness by the French eqquivalent of the CDC, and is the Covid-19 treatment medication of choice of a majority of doctors polled in at least 30 nations. Several nations actually hand out hydroxychloroquine for free, as a preventive medication, and to treat in its early stages so as not to later result in hospitalization and/or death.
(OAN, by the way, more than any other network has championed getting the true facts out to the public, with almost daily reports on the medication, and several 30-minute and one-hour specials.)

The CDC, who fucked up preparing a Covid-19 test early on, so that it took two months to finally get a reliable test to the public. It was only the intervention of Trump circumnavigating CDC's bureaucracy to find out they has accidentally infected their own CDC lab and rendered it unusable for at least a month, that experts from outside the CDC were finally able, in site of the CDC, to develop a reliable test and mass-produce it! To the point that in late April nationwide testing went from 1.5 million tested to 4 million, and up to now 20 million.
The CDC (Drs Fauci and Redfield) in late January also urged Trump not to initiate a ban on travel from China. A month later, Fauci on CNN acknowledged that Trump's travel ban was the single greatest strategic move, that bought the nation time to prepare and bend the curve.
Again, in spite of CDC, not because of.

Fauci is a bureaucrat who has been in his position for 40 years, and I think is influenced much more by political considerations than doing the right thing. As soon as this crisis passes, Fauci should be fired and replaced.
Despite several similar deceptions by China, Fauci took the Chinese at their word, and if not for Trump, would have made no preparations. Fauci was oblivious till mid March.
Fauci and the NIH also gave the Chinese bioresearch institute 3.7 million in U.S. funds to do the very bat-virus research that caused the outbreak! Despite that they knew for at least 2 or 3 years the unsafe conditions of the lab. CDC funded the virus that was unleashed on us!! Despite years of advaance warnings!!

So, yeah. To Hell with the CDC under its present leadership. They let us down almost as much as China and the World Health Organization.

God help us if Trump were not in charge, we would have had open borders with Mexico, open borders with China with 20,000 travelers a day with potential Coronavirus. Without Trump and aa year of trade war preceding the pandemic, we would have been far more reliant on non-existent with-held imports from China when the crisis hit. And the death-toll would far more likely have been in the initially-predicted 1 to 2 million range.
And we would have been, as China threatened, "drowning in a mighty sea of coronavirus".

Fuck the CDC.
And I trust OAN more than I trust a liberal media that daily repeats Chinese talking points, and sides against the United States.