Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Are you really trying to say Trump is doing better? I don’t remember things getting this far out of control when Obama or for any other President in my lifetime. Trump is a gas lighter and that is especially unhelpful now.

You apparently are immune to the facts I just cited above, of the absolute chaos that occurred repeatedly in Obama's 8 years, that he and his corrupt administration stoked themselves.

The incidents under Trump were not caused by Trump, he is just trying to resolve them, and has quantifiably done more to elevate black America than any president in 50 years, elevating black employment, elevating black home ownership, funding black universities in a way no president before him has done, releasing tens of thousands of blacks from jail to compensate them for excessive sentencing.... And then your side tries to portray Trump as a white racist targeting black America.

As Kayleigh McAneny said at a press conference I linked a few days ago, Mitt Romney got 2% of the black vote in 2012, Trump in 2016 got 8%, way up. And since then many polls show Trump's black support at 15 or 20%. If blacks and hispanics vote just 5% more for Trump in 2020, it's game over for the Democrats and they'll lose in a landslide. That's why Democrats are so desperate to sell this lying "racist/klansman Republicans" narrative. Your desperation is showing.