Mark Levin on his program Life Liberty Levin at 9 PM on Fox News, interviewed two black university professors, and I thought gave a splendid counter-argument to the lying narrative that the U.S. is inherently racist, or that racial injustice exists. Examples were given in a contrast of black and white incomes, or in police treatment of blacks vs. whites. Some great statistics and insights. That blacks are primarily concentrated nationally in the South, where incomes are lower across the board (as is cost of living), regardless of color, as compared with the wages and cost of living in those higher wage more northern (and whiter) regions.

I have an aunt who was a college professor in rural western Pennsylvania, and then took a job at California State University Los Angeles, where she was excited to be getting a $20,000 a year more in salary. But with the difference in cost of living in California, she said she was pretty mucch earning the same as in Pennsylvania.

If you want to see it, Life, Liberty Levin repeats on FOX at 11 PM, and maybe can be seen after on Youtube, Netflix, Hulu or Foxnation.

Carol Swain was the first college professor interviewed by Levin tonight, I didn't recognize the second male professor. Both had good insights, I think the second in the latter half had greater statistics.
For example, blacks are targeted more often by law enforcement because they commit 2 and a half times more crimes, as measured by black residents calling 911 for help.
That blacks are less cooperative and resistant to police, which results in an escalation of force by police against them.
Police are 18 times more likely to be killed by an unarmed black suspect, than a black suspect is to be killed by a police officer.
White officers actually are less likely to shoot a black suspect, being more sensitive to the potential accusation that their shooting could be alleged to be racially motivated.
That against the allegations of a "white racist system" in the U.S., there is a higher ratio of millionaires among Indonesians, Nigerians and immigrants from thirrd world nations than there are blacks or whites!

Levin also did a history over the last 150 years all the times presidents of both parties have enlisted the National Guard against national uprisings to restore order, far from an unprecedented "authoritarian" power grab by Donald Trump as president. In many cases, such as in Little Rock in 1957, or to protect Martin Luther King Jr during his protest march to Selma in 1964, to protect minorities. Something that wouldn't have been done by multiple presidents of an alleged inherently "racist" nation.

I like Levin's program on Sundays, that follows in the style of Charlie Rose at his best.
And also the program directly after, The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton, that has a more independent/populist viewpoint, and attempts to offer solutions instead of just demagoguery and partisan arguments.