Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Are you really trying to say Trump is doing better? I don’t remember things getting this far out of control when Obama or for any other President in my lifetime. Trump is a gas lighter and that is especially unhelpful now.

You apparently are immune to the facts I just cited above, of the absolute chaos that occurred repeatedly in Obama's 8 years, that he and his corrupt administration stoked themselves.

The incidents under Trump were not caused by Trump, he is just trying to resolve them, and has quantifiably done more to elevate black America than any president in 50 years, elevating black employment, elevating black home ownership, funding black universities in a way no president before him has done, releasing tens of thousands of blacks from jail to compensate them for excessive sentencing.... And then your side tries to portray Trump as a white racist targeting black America.

As Kayleigh McAneny said at a press conference I linked a few days ago, Mitt Romney got 2% of the black vote in 2012, Trump in 2016 got 8%, way up. And since then many polls show Trump's black support at 15 or 20%. If blacks and hispanics vote just 5% more for Trump in 2020, it's game over for the Democrats and they'll lose in a landslide. That's why Democrats are so desperate to sell this lying "racist/klansman Republicans" narrative. Your desperation is showing.

You’re calling opinions facts again and McAneny just out and out lied about Romney only getting 2 percent of the black vote. Exit polling put it at 6 percent and he was running against the first black president.

I checked the numbers on Wikipedia for the 2012 and 2016 elections. Romney got 6% of the black vote in 2012 (not 2%, but there was 2% "other"/independent, so McAneny may have pulled 2% from the wrong column), and Trump won 8% of the black vote in 2016.
So regardless, the point stands by McAneny, that Trump gained a larger share of the black vote in 2016, and arguably better represents and has a greater share of the black vote than his critic Romney. And for 2020, I've seen polls that have Trump at 20 or 30% or higher in polled black support. Which he has earned.
So I fail to see how your technicality disproves the point.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
As for your opinion that everything was Obama’s fault and nothing is Trump’s, it’s partisan gibberish. Obama [led] while Trump has built a wall around the WH, forcefully cleared out peaceful protesters for a photo op and tried to hold a rally in Tulsa on the day that blacks were exterminated there. That isn’t leadership.

That's horseshit. I was very specific about how Obama DIRECTLY CAUSED racial tensions and riots with his demagoguery that split the country along racial lines. Not once, but Obama did so repeatedly with multiple specific and clear examples I cited from during Obama's 8 years of chaos.
The Beer Summit, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter killing cops and Obama endorsing the killings with BLM white house meetings. Very clearly, very specifically cited.
Obama never had a mob of thousands rallied by Antifa and Black Lives Matter right outside the White House. It was not Trump, but Secret Service and National Guard who pushed the protestors back, because they were probing for weakness in a push to seige the White House!. Just as was done to the 3rd precinct police station in Minneapolis.
Name me another incident in U.S. history where over 100 Secret Service agents were injured by similar protests by Antifa, BLM or any other group.
It's never happened before. Trump was not afraid, Secret Service moved him because THEY saw a threat to the president. You can't blame Trump for that.
You can't praise Obama for never having to deal with a similar situation. In fact, the aggression of these mobs is actually funded and orchestrated by both George Soros and Barack Obama.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
What I would expect from the President instead is coming more from the top military. That’s where we’re at these days. Things were not even close to being this bad under any President I remember much less Obama.

More horseshit. The military people criticizing Trump are deep staters and Democrats, siding against and undermining the president with political posturing.

Lou Dobbs rightly attacked the joint chiefs chairman Mark Milley for undermining Trump when Milley alleged he "didn't know" what he was participating in, with the church appearance beside Trump. Dobbs makes the point that over a million soldiers in the U S armed forces depend on Milley to plan his actions and know where he is going at all times, when he sends the soldiers under him into combat.
And that Milley, like Romney, like Esper, like Bolton, like McCain, was posturing politically as part of the Deep State to undermine the president, in a way that endangers soldiers and the nation.

Again, it's yet another example of the Deep State undermining an independent-thinking president, who opposes the corrupt establishment/lobbyist private club that infests the majority of House and Senate members in both parties, who are enriching themselves at the expense of the people, who Trump truly represents!
And the media is part of that Deep State establishment private club as well, working in coordination to help destroy Trump.

Even so, Trump continues to have over 90% support from his base, because the people know what is happening, and how the media and Democrats, how career bureaucrats in branches of federal government, and even how many establishment types in the Republican party itself, have worked in unison to destroy Trump.
Despite that 4 years of evidence each time shows Trump has done nothing wrong.

How Trump is attacked, in fact, because he is doing everything right. Because Trump's actions threaten to break up the corrupt power structure that truly threatens the country. Whether a threat from lobbyists, from Soros and the globalists, from China, or from the radical Left that just wants to destroy America.
All groups that are very well represented in the Democrat party.