Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Fox News removes altered photos of Seattle protest zone
So Fox added people with guns at the protests and lied about it.

Brett Baier on Friday aired a retraction for the error. You have protests in multiple cities at once, and they made an error and said the gun-toters were in one city when it was actually the other. Big deal. Even if you disagree, at least Fox News actually acknowledged the error and made a formal retraction.

Whereas the New York Times, Washington Post or CNN in the same situation scrubs their site and just pretends they never made a glaring partisan error. And only conservative news media has screen grabs saved of what was actually posted and covers the error, and holds them accountable. Whereas the Newspeak liberal media just gives them a free pass and pretends it never happened.

What FOX did there was extremely unethical. Given that they did some photo shop work to get the gun man in to fit a right wing narrative makes it hard to believe it was accidental. Of course when FOX does this stuff it’s okay for those that shout fake news at anything that doesn’t act like a propaganda machine for Trump.

It seems like it was a minor error, and again, an error for which Fox News posted an official retraction, that was also retracted on-air during their most viewed 6PM broadcast.

As compared to multiple other news networks, who just quietly scrub their sites for more blatant misrepresentations of the truth, that they never admit to or acknowledge.

I also found this rather funny at the end of the USA TODAY piece you linked:


The Capitol Hill [CHAZ] protest zone east of downtown Seattle has evolved this week into a festival-like scene after police on June 8 removed barricades near the East Precinct and largely abandoned the station in an effort to de-escalate tensions between officers and demonstrators.

The largely peaceful [ \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: ] zone has drawn the ire of President Donald Trump, who fumed on Twitter that the city had been taken over by “anarchists.”

Meanwhile, a U.S. judge on Friday ordered Seattle police to temporarily stop using tear gas, pepper spray and flash-bang devices to break up largely peaceful protests.

That rather selectively ignores the masked Antifa-looking guys walking around with AR-15 rifles, the armed security checkpoints in CHAZ, the vast escalation of rapes reported in the 6-block CHAZ zone, the extortion of payment by armed thugs from merchants who are stuck in the zone with no choice but to pay so they can stay in business. The bullying and threats of people by armed mobs wandering around the zone. There's video Tucker Carlson showed of a mob threatening to beat a guys head in with bats because they thought he took someone else's cel phone, and then found the cel phone, whoops, never mind. The guys threatened was still shaking when it ended.

The liberal bias and lying narrative of USA Today is quite clear, even as they hypocritically overstate Fox News' error.

It also doesn't mention a CBS News story just a few months ago showing alleged footage of combat in Syria, that turned out as exposed by online bloggers, to be footage from months earlier at a gun range in the U.S.!
That might have been mentioned here by USA Today for context.

Or the New York Times story on Brett Kavanaugh a year after his USSC confirmation, attempting to resurrect the lurid allegations, with an account of him thrusting his penis in some girl's face at a party, citing a dozen or so witnesses, **ALL** of whom said on social media and elsewhere in the days after that they never gave the quotes the N Y Times alleged they did.
Just a little context...

The liberal media hatred of Fox News is strong, and they hold Fox to a standard these pieces of liberal shit would never hold themselves or any of their friends at liberal networks to.
At every turn, they reveal themselves to be liberal zealots on a holy mission to destroy Republicans, Trump and America, rather than the detached objective reporters they would like us to believe they are. They might actually convince someone, if they could just restrain themselves from digging in the spikes and showing their fanatic liberal bias.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.