Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think your the one with a very poopy horse WB. We just haven’t had this much unrest as long as I remember. Are things better now? You can’t realistically say it is WB.

It stems from George Soros, and Soros-funded activist groups, such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, the open-borders movement and the army of logistically funded caravans and activist lawyers to advise them how to lie and illegally circumnavigate their way through the U.S. immigration system.

All this coincides with Soros taking over the Democrat party. See the book THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. It details how Soros orchestrated the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform bill, causing the Democrats to lose the financial backing of its previous largest funders, who no longer able to donate to the Dems, Soros and his web of front groups filled the void and gained control of the Democrat party in 2004.
As the then-head of MoveON.org gloated in an e-mail: "We bought the Democratic party. We own it."

Of course, the rest of us were never supposed to see that. And since 2004, every two years, the Democrats' tactics and crazy Leftism has gotten increasingly more dangerous and Bolshevik-radical.
The same kind of fake- "grass-roots" front groups that Soros used in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics since 1989, that Soros developed to overthrow goverments in those nations, where Soros perfected the use of insurrections using fraudulent "grassroots resistance" (essentially mercenary insurrectionists, fronting as grassroots locals) and NGO's (non-government organizations). Soros has perfected these insurrectionist tactics overseas, and has now brought here to beseige the United States government.

Soros has further funded local elections of district attorneys and other local officials, to undermine law enforcement on a local level. That is exactly what's happening, in Minneapolis, in L.A., in Charlottesville, VA, in Seattle, in Baltimore, in Chicago, in Maryland, in Virginia, in Washington D.C.

In all these places, the local police are being undermined, resulting in chaos, lawlessness, the refusal of local officials to incarcerate criminal illegals, or to turn them over to ICE, that enable and foment riots and violence. And refusal of local Democrat officials to incarcerate or imprison the mostly Leftist rioters and criminals. The fruit of the Democrat/Left, and their America-hating allies.