If only....

Fox too often gives a free pass to lying Democrat talking points, and lets Dems get away with it, in the interest of giving the Democrat/Left equal time. Even when that equal time is a vicious lie, completely untrue, but unchallenged, even on Fox.

I like Judge Jeannine Pirro, who snaps back and says "No! No way do you get away with trying to allege that!" and then cites the facts that disprove that particular Dems' lying talking points. The two I currently hate most on Fox are Chris Hahn and Richard Goodstein, who will come back and back with the same lying talking points, even when their lies have just been disproven with the facts 5 times.
Hahn started as a communications director for Lyin' Chuck Schumer.
Goodstein was and probably still is a propagandist for the Clintons.