Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So your earlier claims about Trump bringing in the National Guard would be untrue. (a lying narrative if positions were reversed) I know it was Governor Walz that ordered the guard in MN. This was a situation that blew up globally and sent Trump to his bunker. Him clearing out protesters so that he could waddle over to a church for a photo op will be something for the history books.

I think you're really straining for a technicality, so you can sell your false narrative. Trump called up the national guard and was prepared to send them in, if the governors did not. Regardless, it was Trump's leadership that finally got the national guard deployed in Minneaapolis, after mayor Frey and governor Walz let the city and bussinesses burn for 5 days, when walz or the mayor could have deployed the national guard as a deterrant on Wednesday instead of 5 days later on Monday, and prevented a lot of looting, arson and destruction. It was Tuesday/Wednesday that the first store was looted and burned. It was very foreseeable and could have been prevented after that, but for the feckless and ideologically confused Democrat leadership, at the state and local level.