Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
This bullshit happens every couple of years in this country. Some asshole group rises up and claims they have to riot. It creates a further devide in this country each time. All of this is probably instigated by foreign powers who want this country in pieces.

No argument on any of those points.

As I recall, the first in modern times was the L.A. riots after the verdict of the 4 cops were acquitted in the Rodney King beating. Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton were big instigators in that one too.

Foreign powers can instigate using social media, like they coul not have done 15 or 20 years ago. And either they or ideologically aligned groups within the U.S. in groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, or the open borders movement, or even groups like Al Qaida or ISIS can indoctrinate and train people online. I only recently became aware that Antifa cels and training recruit using pretty much the same online techniques as ISIS and Al Qaida.

What a mess. Haters gonna hate...