M E M, with all due respect, they burned down and looted about 500 businesses just in Minneapolis. They've done the same in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Portland, Seattle... dozens of cities nationwide. The damage in Minneapolis alone is probably in the hundreds of millions, if not the billions. And the looting was even more widespread in New York City.

That easily adds up to thousands in each city nationwide. So yes, tens of thousands.
While there are peaceful protestors as well, there are tens of thousands nationwide active in destruction and violence.

And when Black Lives Matter and Antifa openly advocate and recruit soldiers and terrorist cels for that violence, who in demonstrations stoke thousands of others to do so, looting, arson, beating people up... yes, that violence reaches into tens of thousands, easily.
Antifa alone I've seen estimated at about 20,000 to 25,000 members, as measured by the daily visits to their websites.