Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Making an accusation doesn’t prove anything WB. And while beating up a conservative activist is unacceptable it doesn’t equal targeting and executing 2 cops. Unlike the Boogaloos Antifa left that guy alive. Also would point out he sought that crowd out, while the cops were hunted. Both groups are loosely organized. Antifa basically means your anti-fascist. It doesn’t condone killing. The Boogaloos can and have.

Who is "that guy"? That sounds like a made up rationalization.

Antifa almost killed journalist Andy Ngo, and have badly hurt or crippled, if not killed, a lot of other people. No one agrees with this Boogaloo jerk and his driver. He was planning to kill cops hoping to motivate people he doesn't even know. That's crystal clear in the above article.

Whereas Antifa is an anti-American leftist/Marxist terrorist organization with an estimated membership of about 23,000 based on the number of daily visits to their social website.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter (both funded by George Soros, and eendorsed if not also funded by Barack Obama and his activist groups) have injured over 100 Secret Service agents in Washington DC alone, and at last count about 800 police nationwide. And some of those attacked cops are severely injured, permanently injured, and one even on life support for the rest of his life because of a gunshot to the back of his head (if I recall, that one occurred in Phoeniz, AZ).

So spare me the "Republicans do it too..." canard. One lone nut, supported by no one, is not nearly the same thing as Antifa with an estimated army of 23,000 terrorists, and Black Lives Matter, that is evem more funded in the hundreds of millions, with probably a far larger folowing of terrorist/activist/"community organizers".